Interested in discussing your professional
experience in the real estate sector?
We are recruiting professionals in the real estate sector for a research project to better understand the barriers to homeownership for Black people. The study team is seeking to interview 20-25 real estate professionals (e.g., realtors, brokers, lawyers, and home appraisers) in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area.
You are eligible if:
​Employed in the real estate sector in the GTHA
Worked with Black home buyers at any point between 2006 and present
In good professional standing
All participation is voluntary and confidential.
If you decide to participate in this study, you will be asked to participate in a virtual one-on-one interview using the video conferencing platform Zoom. We will conduct the interviews at a time most convenient for you. Each interview session is expected to last 30-60 minutes. Key informants will be asked to answer a series of questions about their professional experience in the real estate sector.
Research participants will be asked to pass along information regarding the study to other suitable participants who may be interested in the study. You are under no obligation to share this information. Whether you share this information will not affect your relationship with Ryerson University, Habitat for Humanity GTA, or the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation (CMHC).
If you want to learn more about the study, visit the Black Homeownership study page.
This project has been reviewed by the Research Ethics Boards at Toronto Metropolitan University in Canada (REB protocol number 2021-301) and funded by Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation.